Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Color Wheel Assignment

Color Square

As you can see, I created my color wheel from various magazine scraps. Instead of making it in the shape of a "wheel," I decided to maximize the space on my poster bored and make it into more of a square shape. Thus my "Color Square." When looking through magazines I did not focus my attention to a single color; instead I just flipped through every page and ripped out swatches of color that I thought would be big enough for my poster bored.
In doing this project I decided that I wanted to use white as my center color to converge the rest of the hues on my wheel. I glued the white piece first so I could get an idea of where I wanted everything to explode out from the center. From there I just mixed and matched according to what pleased my eye.

Re-Creating the "Color Square":

Step One: Gather your Materials

When collecting your magazines, don't limit yourself to a certain style. For example Bridal magazines can be a great source for various shades of whites, and pastel colors. If you are looking for something bolder try picking up a fashion magazine like Glamour or Lucky. For more neutral tones try an outdoors and nature magazine, or a Home and Garden. Once you have a variety of books to choose from go through them one at a time and start ripping. I think that this is the best part. Anytime you see a swatch of color that you think would be useful just rip it out. As you find your color possibilities, sort them into piles according to shade. For example have a reds pile, a greens pile, a yellows pile, etc.

Step Two: Map it Out

Once you have gone through all of your magazines, and have large piles of each color, its time to map out your wheel. Remember to put your white in the center first, and then go from there. I first started with my Reds at the top of the wheel. I put the lighter and pinker reds towards the center and the bolder and deeper reds on the outer levels. When I got the red section the way I wanted it I moved to its opposite color, Cyan. I repeated the same process with this color too by putting the lighter ones in the center and the bolder ones on the outside. I repeated this step for all of my colors, working my way around the wheel in a clockwise motion. Every time mapping out its opposite color as well. Make sure that you primary colors stand out and do not get lost within the blend of hues. A prominent Red, Green, Blue, Cyan, Magenta, and Yellow are important.

Step Three: Glue it Up

Once your wheel is completely laid out on your poster bored it's time to make adjustments and glue. Begin with the first section you mapped out which is your Red, and glue your pieces from the canter out. Work your way around the wheel gluing every section down from the center outward. Make sure to overlap images and blend them into neighboring sections. This gives the wheel a more fluid look. Once you have made it all the way around your wheel step back and admire!

Blending Through Grey

To blend images through grey I decide to use the technique we learned in class. First a got a picture of a simple face in order to manipulate its color. Next I picked which colors I wanted to use to blend. For the first strip I used Green and its opposite, Magenta. The second strip I picked Red and its opposite, Cyan. For the last strip I chose Blue and its opposite, Yellow. For each strip I showed the stages of the face blending through Grey. Decreasing one color towards the center, and increasing it coming out the other side. I did this for each strip.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Coding In Gimp


(define x 6)
define (funcname param1 p2...)


(let loopname ((i 0))
(if (not (= i 10))
:tell it what you want: (loopname (+ i 1)

not = if true, then false. If false, then true.
i = iterator
if = if true, do this

In Gimp its helpful to know that if you press the up arrow it will bring up previous written codes.